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MOEX Active Management Total Return Index


Code Name Last Value Date
Change of Last Close, % Change of Last Year, %


Indicator code MCFWTR
ISIN code RU000A107NA2
Bloomberg code  
Reuters code  
Indicator type MOEX Active Management Total Return Index
Time of calculation (Moscow time) 18:50
Initial value 5101,91
Publication intervals One time per day
First calculated on December 20th, 2019

We draw the attention of investors that the iNAV for a fund with foreign assets will be calculated based on the closing prices of the assets, set on the previous day at 16:00 EST for American securities and at 17:30 CET for European securities. The settlement price determined on the basis of the results of the previous trading day may not coincide with the current fair value of the fund unit at the time of its provision, investors should take this fact into account when making investment decisions.

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