RVI futures parameters

Parameters RVI futures
Contract code RVI<settlement month>.<settlement year>
Underlying asset The underlying contract asset in the Russian Market Volatility which calculation is based on the near-series and the next-series options on the RTS Index futures contract
The series of option used for calculation of Volatility The near-series and the next-series options on the RTS Index futures contract
Option's strikes which are used for settlements 15 strikes: central
7 strikes put options OTM
7 strikes call options OTM
Option prices used Real transactions,
Theoretical option prices
Settlement Monthly at the settlement of the near-series options
The final settlement price Based on the next-series options;
averaged between 14:03:15 and 18:00:00 on settlement day
Quotation In points (as volatility)
Tick size (min tick value) 0,05 points (5 USD)