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Index Futures

Index futures and options are represented by a variety of derivatives on RTS Index, MOEX Russia Index, Sector Indices, RGBI Index, Moscow Real Estate DomClick Index and provide a wide range of opportunities for hedging risks in stock and bond portfolios and for playing on the rise or fall of the securities market, individual sectors of the economy and the value of Moscow real estate. Index based derivatives are equally available for both investors with small funds and large market participants.

Index futures are standard cash-settled contracts that do not imply physical settlement of the underlying asset. Making transactions with index futures market participants are obliged to pay or receive variation margin – the difference between the transaction price and the futures settlement price.

Contract name Code Quotation Tick size Tick value Ration to standard contract Settlement Contract web page
Main Equity Indices
MOEX Russia Index Futures MIX 100 x MOEX Russia Index 25 points RUB 25 1:1 Cash-settled -
MOEX Russia Index Futures (mini) MXI MOEX Russia Index 0,05 points RUB 0,5 1:10 -
RTS Index Futures RTS 100 х RTS Index 10 points USD 0,2 1:1  
RTS Index Futures (mini) RTSM RTS Index 0,5 points USD 0,1 1:10 -
RTS Standard Index Futures RTSS Moex Blue Chip Index 1 point RUB 10 1:1 -
Sector Indices
Oil & Gas Index Futures OGI Oil & Gas Index (MOEXOG) 1 point RUB 1 1:1 Cash-settled Read more
Metals & Mining Index Futures MMI Metals & Mining Index (MOEXMM)
Financials Index Futures FNI Financials Index (MOEXFN)
Consumer & Retail Index Futures CNI Consumer & Retail Index (MOEXCN)
Moscow Real Estate DomClick Index
Moscow Real Estate DomClick Index Futures HOME Moscow Real Estate DomClick Index (MREDC) 10 points RUB 10 1:1 Cash-settled -
RGBI Index Futures RGBI 100 х MOEX Government Bond Index 1 point RUB 1 1:1 Cash-settled -

The main equity indices of the Moscow Exchange are the MOEX Russia Index (before December 2017 – the MICEX Index) and the RTS Index – capitalization-weighted composite indices calculated based on prices of the most liquid Russian stocks of the largest and dynamically developing Russian issuers with economic activities related to the main sectors of the Russian economy presented on the Exchange.

The Sector Indices are capitalization-weighted indices calculated based on prices of the most liquid shares of Russian issuers whose economic activity relates to a certain sector of the economy. The Sector Index futures that are currently available on the Moscow Exchange include Oil & Gas, Metals & Mining, Financials, Consumer & Retail Index Futures.

Moscow Real Estate DomClick Index is a composite index of the Moscow Real Estate market calculated by the Moscow Exchange based on aggregated data on mortgage transactions provided by Domclick. It reflects the average cost of 1 sq.m. of the total area of residential real estate in Moscow in rubles.

Moscow Exchange Government Bond Index is the main indicator of the Russian sovereign debt market. It consists of the most liquid Russian government bonds.


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