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                Stock options: FAQs

                Is a single stock option physically settled upon the exercise of the option?

                No, single stock options are cash-settled contracts. When the option is exercised, the buyer receives cash to its account in an amount equal to the intrinsic value of the option, and the seller"s account is debited for the same amount.

                Can single stock options be exercised before the expiration?

                No, single stock options are European, meaning they can only be exercised on the last trading day.
                American options can be exercised on any day the contract is traded. This applies to all futures options traded on Moscow Exchange.

                What is an equity-style option? How does it differ from futures-style options?

                An equity-style option means that the premium is paid only once by the buyer, instead of a daily variation margin debit/credit, as is the case with futures-style options.
                The buyer of a futures-style option pays the premium in the form of daily variation margin.

                Which party of a single stock option transaction has the initial margin (IM) locked up and when is it released?

                The IM for the buyer"s premium is locked when the order is placed and released in the next clearing in which the settlement takes place.
                The IM for the seller's open position is locked when the order is placed and released when the option is exercised or when the position is closed out.

                Where can I find the initial margin requirements for single stock options?

                The amount of initial margin can be found in the parameters of each contract as well as by clicking here.

                Is the quotation for single stock options and options on stock futures different?

                The quotation of a single stock option corresponds to one unit of the underlying asset, i.e. the strike price of the options reflects the price of one share. Stock futures options are quoted per lot.

                How many series of single stock options are available for trading?

                Two weekly option series will be available at launch. In the future, the number of series may increase.

                When are new option series added?

                New series of weekly options is listed two days before the expiry of the nearby option series.

                When and at what price are single stock options exercised?

                Weekly options are exercised on Wednesdays. The exercise price is determined during the closing price in the primary market. More details on the exercise can be found in the specification.

                What is the settlement procedure during the life of an option?

                On the day of transaction, NCC debits the premium from the buyer"s account and credits it to the seller"s account.
                No cash transfers occur over the life of the option until the last trading day.
                On the last trading day, the option is exercised and cash in the amount of the intrinsic value of the option is delivered.

                Can I cancel the exercise of an in-the-money option or request to exercise an out-of-the-money option?

                No, single stock options are exercised automatically. Since these instruments are cash-settled, there are no situations in which it may be appropriate to decline exercise of an in-the-money option or to enforce exercise of an out-of-the-money option.

                Can I trade single stock options and futures options at the same time?

                Yes, both instruments are available to market participants.

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