22.07.2016 12:00

Change of micex.ru web addresses and the new ISS address

Because of the end of life of the old MICEX web site (www.micex.ru) you may need to change this host name to moex.com in web addresses that may be used by your automated systems. 
Please pay special attention to the URLs starting with http://www.micex.ru/file/... and http://www.micex.ru/download/... that are used to download reference data. Access via micex.ru will not be available starting from 19 June 2017. 
Also we are starting the migration of the Informational and Statistical Server (ISS) web service from the http://moex.com domain to http://iss.moex.com. The new address is already available. Starting from November 2016 (tentatively) the automated redirect from the old address to the new one will be activated. Note that the ISS can also be accessed over the https protocol. 

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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