12.12.2016 16:04

Moscow Exchange approved amendments to indices calculation methodologies

Moscow Exchange approved amendments to indices calculation methodologies

On 1 December 2016, the Executive Board of Moscow Exchange approved the amendments to the following calculation methodologies in respect to upcoming corporate restructuring whereby 100%-owned subsidiary CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange will be consolidated into Moscow Exchange:

•        Free Float Methodology (approved on 14 October 2016);

•        Bond Indices Methodology;

•        MOEX State-Owned Companies Index and the MOEX Regulated Companies Index Methodology;

•        Pension Index Methodology;

•        CCP Repo Rate Indicator Methodology;

•        Mid-Cap Equity Indices Methodology; and

•        MICEX 10 Index Methodology.

We will announce in due course when the methodologies as amended will take effect.  

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.