17.11.2017 16:51

Changes in FX and equity markets reports

Dear MOEX FX and equity market clients,
In the upcoming release that is scheduled on 4 December 2017 (see http://www.moex.com/n17548) there will be the following changes in trading and clearing XML reports.
Equity market, clearing reports:
 - Changes in report structure and XSLT stylesheets for EQM13, EQM15, EQM20, EQM23, EQM99.
 - Changes only in XSLT stylesheets for EQM84, EQM92, EQM93.
 - New report EQM49 - Report on asset profiles transfer on equity market.
Equity market, trading reports:
 - Changes in report structure and XSLT stylesheets for SEM02, SEM83.
FX market, clearing reports:
 - New report CCX49 - Report on asset profiles transfer on FX market.
Updated specs with changes highlighted are available at MOEX web site:
 - equity, clearing: http://www.moex.com/s2009
 - equity, trading: http://www.moex.com/s2008
 - FX, trading and clearing: http://www.moex.com/s2010
XSD schemas, XSLT stylesheets and examples can be found on FTP at ftp://ftp.moex.com/pub/Reports/Currency/ and ftp://ftp.moex.com/pub/Reports/Equities/

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