28.11.2017 16:33

MOEX partners with Fluent Trade Technologies to streamline FX integration and testing access

Moscow Exchange is partnering with Fluent Trade Technologies to allow international FX customers simple and secure access to the MOEX UAT integration and testing environment.

Fluent provides a turn-key solution, supporting ultra-secure and safe connectivity to MOEX, with full support for client integration, testing and certification requirements.

The new service is live, with Fluent certified to provide low latency interface connectivity services for both 'FAST' market data and FIX order management to the MOEX FX Market.

MOEX’s FX market is the largest and most liquid RUB trading FX platform globally with daily volume highs up to $30 bln. International market participants account for approximately 40% of volumes.

Fluent provides secure UAT access from LD4, NY4 and other global data centers from the locations where MOEX provides Point of Presence (POP) access to MOEX FAST market data and FIX order management APIs.

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