07.06.2018 12:11

Evening session cancelation simulation

Dear MOEX Derivatives users,

Please be informed that on 9 June 2018 MOEX is planning to simulate evening session cancelation on test (T+1) environment. 

Schedule on 9 June:   

·         Morning session: 06:00:00 –06:14:00

·         Day session: 06:15:00 –13:45:00

·         Intermediate clearing session: 11:00:00 –11:04:00

·         Evening clearing/report generation: 13:45:00 –15:00:00

·         Clearing data is ready/clearing reports are ready for users: 14:15:00 –15:00:00

·         Test environment shutdown: 15:00:00

·         Test environment starts with new session (users can cancel their orders): 16:00:00

Trading session on 13 June 2018 will be started on usual schedule.

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