27.08.2018 17:05

Updated MOEX Indices calculation methodology registered

On 21 August 2018, the Bank of Russia registered an updated version of the Moscow Exchange Indices calculation methodology. The amendments intended to extend the MOEX Total Return Indices Series and rebrand the MOEX Indices family. 

According to the updated methodology, the MOEX sectoral indices and the SMID Index will be supplemented with their total return versions.

Furthermore, names and codes of other MOEX Indices will be changed similar to the MOEX benchmark, which has been rebranded the MOEX Russia Index.

The procedure will also be set out for calculating the MOEX Russia Index during the evening trading session, if any. 

For the full version of the updated methodology, please follow this link. 

The date the updated Methodology take effect will be announced in due course.

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