21.01.2019 12:01

Derivatives market reports change

Dear MOEX Derivatives market clients,

Please be informed that new procedure for trading and clearing reports generation and dispatching will be implemented. Planned date for production roll-on is 4 February 2019.

The following reports:

  • Market maker reports (mm_payment/ mmfutXXYY.csv/mmopt_strikesXXXX.csv/mmopt_averageXXXX.csv/mmLP_XXYY.csv)
  • Indicative quote reports (ind04_XXYY.csv/indlink_XXYY.csv)
  • Marketing program reports (PREMIUM_XX00.xls)
  • Quote reports (fordlogXXYY.csv/oordlogXXYY.csv/errlogXXYY.csv)

will obtain trading status and will be signed with digital signature of Moscow Exchange employee. Please pay attention that UFG (universal filegate) settings should be changed in order to receive trading reports correctly.

The procedure of generation and dispatching clearing reports will remains the same.

This change are available for testing on test (T+1) environment.

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+7 (495) 363-3232
+7 (495) 232-3363
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+7 (495) 363-3232
+7 (495) 232-3363
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