Connection settings for securities market clearing system in production
Dear securities market clients,
We would like to remind you that during the upcoming load testing on the production environment the new market platform with a separate clearing engine will be used.
Connection settings for the clearing/risk system for ASTS Bridge and MOEX Trade SE users:
INTERFACE=IFCBroker31R or IFCBroker32R
User IDs - the same as for trading connection.
There are no changes in FIX/FAST protocols.
The same parameters will be used after the system release in production (preliminarily scheduled for June 2019).
Note that your network devices and software firewalls should allow connection over the following ports and protocols:
In order to check your connectivity in advance, a test connection to the clearing/risk server in production network will be possible after 18 March 2019. Only logon/logoff transactions will be available.