08.08.2019 19:05

Risk parameters change on Derivatives Market

CCP NCC sets the following risk parameters on Derivatives market starting from 7:00 pm on August 9, 2019:

  1. Concentration limits (LK1, LK2):
Underlying asset code Underlying asset Current values New values  
Concentration limit 1 LK1 Concentration limits 2 LK2 Concentration limit 1 LK1 Concentration limits 2 LK2  
1 PLT platinum 181 905 1 800 9 000  
2 PLD palladium 175 875 850 4 250  
  1. Parameter that used to calculate inter-product spreads discounts (window_size):
Underlying asset code Underlying asset window_size
Current value New value
1 CL Light Sweet Crude Oil 0.5 0.3
2 BR Brent oil 0.5 0.4
3 MIX MOEX Russia Index 0.5 0.1
4 MXI MOEX Russia Index (mini) 0.5 0.1
5 RTS RTS Index 0.5 0.6
6 OFZ2 2-year Russian Federation government bonds 0.5 0.3
7 OFZ4 4-year Russian Federation government bonds 0.5 0.3
8 OFZ6 6-year Russian Federation government bonds 0.5 0.3
9 OF10 10-year Russian Federation government bonds 0.5 0.3
10 OF15 15-year Russian Federation government bonds 0.5 0.3
  1. Blue Chips Index futures will be excluded from inter-product spread starting from 7:00 pm on August 9, 2019.
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