ASTS Bridge interfaces support roadmap
Dear clients,
Please be informed of the following roadmap for support and end of life of ASTS Bridge interfaces for connecting to the FX and Equities markets trading and clearing platforms.
IFC_Broker24 (FX), IFCBroker_25 (EQ) - not supported, connection will no longer be possible after the second half of February 2020.
IFCBroker_26 (FX), IFCBroker_27/IFCBroker_27R (FX), IFCBroker_28/IFCBroker_28R (FX), IFC_Broker26 (EQ), IFC_Broker27 (EQ), IFC_Broker28 (EQ) - end of support in the second half of February, end of life in June 2020.
IFCBroker30/30R (FX), IFCBroker31/31R (FX), IFCBroker29 (EQ), IFCBroker30 (EQ), IFCBroker31 (EQ) - end of support in June, end of life at the end of 2020.
The latest interface versions currently available in production on both markets are IFCBroker35 (connection to trading system) and IFCBroker35R (connection to clearing/risk system).