16.04.2020 15:24

Moscow exchange changes the tick size from the 4th of May 2020

To increase the effectiveness of equity market microstructure, MOEX establishes the new tick size and Decimals parameter for the following stocks starting 4th May 2020 in the following trading modes:

  • Main trading mode Т+ ("Т+2" order book)
  • Odd lots trading mode
  • Dark pool trading mode
  • Equities D — Main trading mode Т+
  • Negotiated trading mode(NTM)
  • Equities D (NTM) trading mode
  • NTM with CCP trading mode

The new approach to setting the tick size was approved by the MOEX Securities Market committee.

The methodology includes:

  • The tick size equals (1,2,5)*10N, where N – integer;
  • Increasing the number of price ranges to 25, and the ranges of liquidity - up to 7;
  • For each liquidity range a recommended range price tick sizes in the spread is established;
  • The maximum allowed relative tick size – 1%
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