01.09.2020 19:30

Revised lists of the Moscow Exchange Indices announced

Moscow Exchange announced the results of the quarterly review for MOEX indices. All changes were made upon recommendations from the Index Committee and will be implemented from 18 September 2020. The Exchange has also set free floats for a number of companies.

Depository receipts of Mail.ru Group Limited and QIWI PLC as well as ordinary shares of Petropavlovsk PLC and PJSC "Rosseti" will be added to the MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index.

Depository receipts of Mail.ru Group Limited and ordinary shares of Petropavlovsk PLC will complement the Broad Market Index while ordinary shares of PJSC "RBC" will be excluded.

The constituent list of the Blue Chip Index will remain unchanged.

Upon recommendations from the Index Committee Moscow Exchange will make changes to the industrial classification of Yandex N.V. and state Mail.ru Group Limited and Yandex N.V. as belonging to IT sector resulting in deleting shares of foreign issuer Yandex N.V. from the constituent list of the Consumer Index.

PJSC "Rosseti South" (ords) will be deleted from the Electric Utilities Index, while ordinary shares of Petropavlovsk PLC will be added to the SMID Index and the Metal & Mining Index.

In the constituent list of the MOEX 10 Index ordinary shares of PJSC Moscow Exchange and PJSC Surgutneftegas were replaced by ordinary shares of PJSC Polus and shares of foreign issuer Yandex N.V.

The constituent list of the MOEX Innovation Index will remain unchanged.

The baskets of the Multi-Assets Indices and parameters of the lists of MOEX RSPP Indices were updated.

Summary table of key changes in the Moscow Exchange Indices' Constituents Lists

Index Included Excluded
MOEX Russia Index and RTS Index Mail.ru Group Limited, DR on shares of foreign issuer Petropavlovsk PLC, shares of a foreign issuer PJSC "Rosseti", Ordinary shares QIWI PLC, DR on shares of foreign issuer  
Broad Market Index Mail.ru Group Limited, DR on shares of foreign issuer Petropavlovsk PLC, shares of a foreign issuer PJSC "RBC", Ordinary shares
Consumer goods and Services Index   PLLC Yandex N.V., shares of a foreign issuer
Metals and Mining Index Petropavlovsk PLC, shares of a foreign issuer  
Electric Utilities Index   PJSC "Rosseti South", Ordinary shares
SMID Index Petropavlovsk PLC, shares of a foreign issuer  
MOEX 10 Index PLLC Yandex N.V., shares of a foreign issuer PJSC "Polus", Ordinary shares PJSC "Moscow Exchange", Ordinary shares PJSC "Surgutneftegas", Ordinary shares

Summary table of changes in number of shares employed in the calculation of the Moscow Exchange Indices and included in the waiting lists, as well as free-float coefficients

Ticker Issuer Current number of shares New number of shares Current free-float New free-float
AQUA PJSC "Russian Aquaculture", Ordinary shares 87 876 649 -- 8% 14%
BELU PJSC "Beluga Group", Ordinary shares 19 400 000 15 800 000 18% 21%
BSPB PJSC "Bank "Saint-Petersburg", Ordinary shares 499 554 000 487 554 167 36% --
DSKY PJSC "Detsky mir", Ordinary shares 739 000 000 -- 55% 74%
KRKNP PJSC "Saratov Oil Refinery", Preferred shares 249 337 -- 31% 35%
MAIL Mail.ru Group Limited, DR of foreign issuer -- 208 582 082 -- 53%
MRKY PJSC "Rosseti South", Ordinary shares 82 039 595 425 -- 29% 16%
POGR Petropavlovsk PLC, shares of a foreign issuer -- 3 906 899 888 -- 65%
POLY Polymetal International plc, Shares of a foreign issuer 471 791 037 471 804 467 45% --
RASP PJSC "Raspadskaya", Ordinary shares 703 271 727   12% 9%
RTKM PJSC "Rostelecom", Ordinary shares 2 574 914 954 3 282 997 929 29% --
SELG PJSC "Seligdar", Ordinary shares 842 354 730 -- 31% 25%
SELGP PJSC "Seligdar", Preferred shares 150 000 000 --   9%
SFIN PJSC "Safmar Financial investments", Ordinary shares 111 637 791 -- 37% 13%
TGKN PJSC "TGC-14", Ordinary shares 1 357 945 609 114 -- -- 13%
TRMK PJSC "TMK", Ordinary shares 1 033 135 366 -- 30% 13%
YNDX PLLC Yandex N.V., shares of a foreign issuer 293 527 656 317 430 479 97% --

From 18 September 2020, the following shares will be under consideration:

Under consideration to be added to Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
TGKN PJSC "TGC-14", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
RBCM PJSC "RBC", Ordinary shares
MERF PJSC "MERIDIAN", Ordinary shares
ZILL PJSC "ZIL", Ordinary shares
PMSBP PJSC "Perm Energy Supplying Company", Preferred shares
UNKL PJSC "Southern Urals Nickel Plant", Ordinary shares
URKZ PJSC "Urals Stampings Plant", Ordinary shares
CNTL PJSC "Central Telegraph", Ordinary shares
ISKJ PJSC "HSCI", Ordinary shares
PMSB PJSC "Perm Energy Supplying Company", Ordinary shares

Under consideration to be excluded from Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
NKHP PJSC "NGP", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
TGKD PJSC "Quadra", Ordinary shares
MRKY PJSC "Rosseti South", Ordinary shares
BRZL PJSC "Buryatzoloto", Ordinary shares

Please, follow the links below:


MOEX Russia and RTS Indices Constituents

Blue Chip Index Constituents

MOEX 15 Index Constituents

Moscow Exchange SMID Indices Constituents

Broad Market Index Constituents

Sectoral Indices Constituents

MOEX Innovation Index Constituents

Pension Indices Constituents

MOEX - RSPP Responsibility and Transparency Index Constituents

MOEX - RSPP Sustainability Vector Index Constituents




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