10.11.2020 12:19

Moscow Exchange upgrades support for market makers

From 9 November 2020, Moscow Exchange’s market-making programs for derivatives have been updated to include new terms and conditions designed to facilitate uninterrupted quotation at times of high volatility and to provide additional support for market makers.

Requirements to maintain two-sided quote spreads and a minimum order size at times of increased volatility have been eased to support uninterrupted contract quotation. The new requirements will be enabled automatically based on historical volatility values.

The new provisions apply to the following current programs: Program 1 Futures contracts on Gazprom, Lukoil and Sberbank ords, Program 1 Futures contracts on currency pairs USD/RUB, EUR/RUB and EUR/USD and Program 1 Futures contract on Brent oil, gold and silver.

More detailed information on the updates to the market making programs and methodology for calculating new values are available on the Moscow Exchange website.

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