02.03.2012 11:02

New constituent lists for calculation of the MICEX-RTS Indices approved

MICEX-RTS has approved new constituent lists of the MICEX-RTS Indices which will be in effect from March 16, 2012 through June 15, 2012.

The lists for the RTS Index, RTS Standard Index and RTS Siberia Index will remain unchanged.

Ordinary and preferred shares of JSC Bashneft and ordinary shares of JSC "INTER RAO UES" are to be removed from the RTS-2 Index constituents, due to exceeding the upper threshold established for capitalization of securities included in the RTS-2 Index. 

Ordinary shares of Nauka-Svyaz OAO and Platforma UTINET.RU OAO are to be added to the new list of the MICEX Innovation Index.

The new Sector Indices lists of components have been formed in accordance with the rules of calculation for these indices based on the waiting lists. 

Summary table of changes to the number of stocks taken into account when calculating
MICEX-RTS Indices and free-float coefficients

Ticker Name of issuer, security type Current number
of stocks
New number
of stocks
BSPB "Bank "Saint-Petersburg" OJSC, ordinary share 282,150,000 300,718,935 28%  
OGKB JSC "OGK-2", ordinary share 32,734,568,382 59,327,926,960 40%  
OPIN JSC "OPIN", ordinary share 15,280,221 15,220,793 28%  
PHOR OJSC "PhosAgro", ordinary share 10,647,708 12,447,708 10%  
NSVZ OAO "Nauka-Svyaz", ordinary share   1,201,562   9%
UTII JSC "Platform UTINET.RU, ordinary share   22,000,000   9%
KMEZ Kovrov Mech. Zavod, ordinary share   495,380   24%
NNSB Nizhny Novgorod Power Sale Company, ordinary share   3,919,400   4%
ARSB JSC "Arhenergosbyt" , ordinary share   1,715,146,860   11%
IVSBP Ivanovo Energy Retail Company, preferred share   152,180,014   100%
KISBP Kirovenergosbyt, preferred share   703,995,200   100%
KUSB SC KUSBASSENERGO, ordinary share   1,141,368,480   3%
MISB Marienergosbyt , ordinary share   121,847,780   11%
MGNT Magnit, ordinary share 88,975,073 94,561,355 24%  
NNSBP Nizhny Novgorod Power Sale Company, preferred share   1,063,512   100%
NVNG Novosibirskenergo, ordinary share   15,198,524   38%
ORSB JSC OREL ENERGY, ordinary share   192,549,316   9%
SVSBP Sverdlovenergosbyt, preferred share   174,346,066   100%
TOSB Tomsk Power Sale Company, ordinary share   3,819,315,580   20%
TOSBP Tomsk Power Sale Company, preferred share   576,693,000   100%
TVSB Tver Power Sale Company, ordinary share   346,136,000   28%
SNTZ SinTZ, ordinary share   6,295,555   5%

Waiting lists for the securities to be either added to or deleted from the Indices will also be updated on June 16, 2012.

Waiting list for the securities to be added to the MICEX-RTS Indices

No Ticker Name of issuer, security type Index
1 MTLRP Mechel ОАО, preferred share RTS Index
2 RTKMP Rosteleco, preferred RTS Index
3 FESH FESCO, ordinary share RTS Index
4 NMOS "NOMOS-BANK" (Open Joint-Stock Company), ordinary share RTS Index
5 NLMKS NLMK, ordinary share RTS Standard Index
6 NVTKS NOVATEK, ordinary share RTS Standard Index
7 TATNS TATNEFT, ordinary share RTS Standard Index
8 KOGK Korshynov Mining Plant OАО, ordinary share RTS-2 Index, RTS Siberia Index
9 NKNC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" INC, ordinary share RTS-2 Index
10 NKNCP "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" INC, preferred share RTS-2 Index
11 UKUZ South Kuzbass, ordinary share RTS-2 Index

Waiting list for the securities to be removed from the MICEX-RTS Indices

No Ticker Name of issuer, security type Index
1 BEGY OJSC "Bashkirenergo", ordinary share RTS-2 Index
2 BLNG Belon, ordinary share RTS-2 Index
3 IRGZ Irkutskenergo, ordinary share RTS-2 Index
4 KHEL Kazan Helicopters, ordinary share RTS-2 Index
5 UFMO UMPO, ordinary share RTS-2 Index
6 TGKK TGC-11, ordinary share RTS Siberia Index

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.
