19.10.2021 10:02

Preliminary parameters for start of trading in Renaissance Insurance Group ordinary shares

Moscow Exchange announces preliminary Central Order Book T+ (TQBR) parameters to be applied to ordinary shares of Public Joint Stock Company Renaissance Insurance Group (registration number - 1-01-10601-Z dated 06.08.2018), in case the decision to start trading in the security is adopted. From 19 October 2021, the share is included in the Moscow Exchange Level 1 List (https://www.moex.com/n36919/?nt=101).

  • Ticker: RENI
  • ISIN RU000A0ZZM04
  • Lot in the Central Order Book T+ (TQBR): 10 ordinary shares
  • Tick size: RUB 0.01

Please note that the information above contains provisional values.

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