02.02.2015 11:20

Currency market trading schedule for 10-24 February 2015

Days from 10th to 16th February are non-trading days for deliverable swap CNY_TOM1W due to public holidays in China.  

18th, 19th, 20th and 24th February are non-trading days for instruments CNYRUB_TOD and CNY_TODTOM due to public holidays in China. 

16th February is a non-trading day for instruments USDRUB_TOD, USD_TODTOM, EURUSD_TOD and EURUSD_TODTOM due to public holidays in the US. 

19th and 20th February are non-trading days for instruments HKDRUB_TOD and HKD_TODTOM due to public holidays in Hong Kong.

The trading schedule for other instruments will remain unchanged.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.