27.05.2015 19:21

Old SPECTRA FAST gate is decommissioned

Moscow Exchange reminds you that starting from June,1st 2015 MOEX only provides new FAST gate for SPECTRA platform (including Ukrainian and ETS Exchanges). Please ensure that all your systems receiving market data from SPECTRA platform are using the new service addresses.

For your convenience we will keep old FAST gate running until July, 1st 2015 but MOEX will not be providing support for it since June, 1st.

New FAST gate connection details:

List of changes, configuration files, templates and development guides are now available at:


We would also like to remind you that subscription requests for SKRIN and OTC reporting services should be made through data@moex.com.

If you have any questions, please contact Moscow Exchange technical support at +7 (495) 733-9507 or email us at help@moex.com.