28.11.2016 22:49

Unscheduled updated coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices to come into force

Due to unscheduled rebalance the following coefficients for Moscow Exchange indices come into force from November 29, 2016:

Index code Currency Index Name Divisor
1 MICEXSC RUB MICEX Second-Tier Index 44,007,074.8934
2 RTS2 USD RTS-2 Index 3,339,592.0205
3 MICEXBMI RUB MICEX Broad Market Index 6,878,281,154.2625
4 RUBMI USD RTS  Broad Market Index in USD 214,263,310.8674
5 MICEXCGS RUB MICEX Consumer Goods and Services Index 13,034,895.8056
6 RTScr USD RTS Consumer & Retail Index



For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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