Webinar on the launch of after-hours trading on MOEX
Moscow Exchange will hold a webinar on 10 June on Russia’s growing retail market and the soon-to-be-launched аfter-hours trading on MOEX's Equity Market to accommodate the demand for extended trading.
Tom O’Brien, Head of International Sales (MOEX) will be asking the questions and Dmitry Fedotov, Head of Equity Sales (MOEX) will be providing the answers. After that, we’ll be ready to answer all your questions.
The launch of after-hours trading on the Equity Market is scheduled for 22 June. The evening boards will include T+2 central order book, negotiated trades with the CCP and odd lots. Repo trading will not be available. After-hours trading will expand access to the Russian financial market for all groups of investors and open up new trading strategy opportunities including hedging and arbitrage between the Derivatives and FX Markets and hedging and arbitrage with international platforms.
The webinar starts at 3 PM Moscow time. To register, please follow this link: https://events.webinar.ru/994009/1169135
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