03.06.2013 18:13

Moscow Exchange Launches Trading in Futures on Yandex N.V. Ordinary Shares

Futures contracts on Yandex N.V. ordinary shares will start trading on the Derivatives Market of the Moscow Exchange on June 4. Russian trading participants will be able to invest in a liquid asset without incurring additional costs or needing to enter foreign trading floors.

This is the first Russian exchange-traded contract on shares traded on foreign trading floors. The introduction of this new derivatives instrument to the Russian market has been driven by recent changes in regulations adopted by Russia"s Federal Financial Markets Service.

Futures contracts on Yandex N.V.  ordinary shares with settlement in September and December 2013 will start trading on the Derivatives Market of the Moscow Exchange on June 4, 2013.  

Contact brief specification:

Underlying asset Yandex N.V. ordinary shares
Contract name Futures  contract on Yandex N.V. ordinary shares
Contract code YNDX ( short – YA)
Contract type Cash-settled contract
Quote currency USD
Lot 100 shares
Tick USD 0.01
Tick value USD1
Settlement months Quarterly (March, June, September, December)
Last trading date/Settlement date 15 (fifteenth) day of the Contract"s settlement month of the settlement year
Settlement price YNDX price following the results of NASDAQ  trades (close price) on  the last trading day in the futures contract on the Moscow Exchange  
Initial Margin 15%
Exchange fee RUB2


For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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