Moscow Exchange trading schedule for 2022 public holidays
Moscow Exchange announces its trading schedule for Russian public holidays in 2022.
The FX, Precious Metals, Equity & Bond, Money, Derivatives and Standardised OTC Derivatives Markets will operate as usual on 3-7 January, 23 February, 7-8 March, 3 and 9-10 May, 13 June and 4 November 2022.
On those days, all instruments will trade on the FX and Precious Metals Markets, except trades with "today" settlement and swap transactions with their first parts settled on the same day.
On the public holidays that fall on 7 January, 23 February, 8 March, 9 May and 4 November 2022, instruments that have internationally traded analogues will be available. These are:
- international stocks and Eurobonds on the Equity & Bond and Money Markets;
- all instruments on the Derivatives Market with underlying assets traded on international exchanges on those days;
- all instruments on the FX and Money Markets, except spot trades with "today" settlement and overnight swaps;
- all instruments on the Standardised OTC Derivatives Market except RUB-denominated transactions settled on the same day.
Saturday 5 March 2022 is a regular trading day. All instruments will trade as usual, except spot trades with "today" settlement and overnight swaps on the FX and Precious Metals Markets.
On all other days in 2022, MOEX markets will operate as usual.
31 December 2021 is a non-trading day on all MOEX markets.
MOEX trading schedule for New Year holidays
Securities Market Trading Calendar
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