13.08.2013 14:16

SPECTRA migration: functional system testing on 17 August

Moscow Exchange would like to remind you about the SPECTRA platform migration to the M1 Data Center followed by comprehensive functional and load testing on 17 August.

All clients already using the new connection types (Universal DMA scheme or VPN) must use new IP addresses for market access after completion of the SPECTRA migration to M1. For your convenience, we have prepared the client software using the new IP addresses, which will be available soon on our FTP site at ftp://ftp.moex.com/pub/FORTS/Plaza2/M1.

Access via the Kolskaya (Dolgorukovskaya) DC and old internet connections will cease to be available on 1 October.

To ensure safe migration, any changes to client connection schemes (including co-location) are prohibited on 15-25 August inclusive.

If you would like to participate in post-migration functional system testing, please email your request to help@moex.com by 13:00 MSK on 15 August, providing the following details:

  • The contact person responsible for the testing.
  • Your broker.
  • The login (ID) and market partition to be used for testing.
  • The IP address to be used for connection.
  • The IP address of your dedicated access server (if applicable).
  • The email address for reporting (if needed).

Clients must submit their requests by 13:00 MSK on 15 August in order to be eligible to participate in system testing.

Functional testing will be carried out in accordance with the following schedule (all times MSK):

14:00 -14:30 – Main session

14:30 - 14:33 - Intraday clearing session

14:33 - 15:00 - Main session

15:00 - 15:15 - Evening clearing session

15:.15 - 15:45 – Evening trading session

15:45 - 15:.50 – Break

15:50 - 16:30 – Main session

For more information, please contact our Technical Support on: +7(495) 733-9507 or help@moex.com.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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