25.11.2021 22:50

Preliminary parameters for the start of trading in VEON Ltd ordinary shares

Moscow Exchange announces trading parameters for VEON Ltd ordinary shares (ISIN BMG9349W1038) to be admitted from 26 November 2021 following the decision of the Exchange to include the securities in the MOEX Level 3 List as from 25 November 2021.

  • The ticker for the shares is VEON-RX.
  • ISIN BMG9349W1038

The security will be made available for trading in the main and after-hours trading sessions with settlement in RUB:

  • Central Order Book T+2 (TQBR): One lot = ten ordinary shares; the price tick is RUB 0.02.
  • Negotiated trades (PSEQ) / Negotiated trades with the CCP (PTEQ): One lot = one ordinary share; the price tick is RUB 0.02.
  • Odd lots (SMAL): One lot = one ordinary share; the price tick is RUB 0.02.
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