02.12.2021 09:31

Revised lists of the Moscow Exchange Indices announced

Today Moscow Exchange announced the results of the quarterly review for MOEX indices. All changes were made upon recommendations from the Index Committee and will be implemented from 17 December 2021. The Exchange has also set free floats for several companies.

Ordinary shares of IPJSC "En+ Group" will be added to the constituent list of the MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index, while ordinary shares of PJSC "LSR Group" will be excluded.
Ordinary shares of PJSC "KuibyshevAzot" and PJSC "Renaissance Insurance Group" as well as depository receipts of Softline Holding PLC and Cian PLC will complement the Broad Market Index, at the same time ordinary shares of PJSC "RPC UWC", preferred shares of PJSC "Saratov Oil Refinery", ordinary and preferred shares of PJSC "Lenzoloto" will be removed from the Index.
The changes in constituent list of the Blue Chip Index are presented by addition of ordinary shares of PJSC "ALROSA", and exclusion of PJSC "MTS" (ordinary shares).
The SMID Index will be modified by ordinary shares of PJSC "Renaissance Insurance Group" as well as depository receipts of Softline Holding PLC and Cian PLC being added to the constituent list of the Index.

Additions to the Sectoral Indices:

Ordinary shares of PJSC "KuibyshevAzot" will be added to the constituent list of the Chemicals Index, ordinary shares of PJSC "Renaissance Insurance Group" will be added to the Financials Index, depository receipts of Softline Holding PLC and Cian PLC will be added to the IT Index, preferred shares of PJSC "Mechel" will be added to the Metals & Mining Index and ordinary shares of PJSC "Quadra - Power Generation" will be added to the Electric Utilities Index.

The constituent list of the MOEX Innovation Index will remain unchanged.

The baskets of the Multi-Assets Indeces were updated.

Summary table of key changes in the Moscow Exchange Indices' Constituents Lists

Index Included Excluded
MOEX Russia Index and RTS Index EN+ GROUP IPJSC, Ordinary shares PJSC LSR Group, Ordinary shares
Broad Market Index Cian PLC, DR (Issuer The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation)
Softline Holding PLC, DR representing rights on shares of foreign issuer
PJSC "Renaissance Insurance Group", Ordinary shares
PJCS "KuibyshevAzot", Ordinary shares
PJSC "Saratov Oil Refinery", Preferred shares
PJSC "Lenzoloto", Ordinary shares
PJSC "Lenzoloto", Preferred shares
PJSC "RPC UWC", Ordinary shares
Blue Chip Index PJSC "ALROSA", Ordinary shares PJSC "MTS", Ordinary shares
SMID Index Cian PLC, DR (Issuer The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation)
Softline Holding PLC, DR representing rights on shares of foreign issuer
PJSC "Renaissance Insurance Group", Ordinary shares
Chemicals Index PJCS "KuibyshevAzot", Ordinary shares  
Financials Index PJSC "Renaissance Insurance Group", Ordinary shares  
IT Index Cian PLC, DR (Issuer The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation)
Softline Holding PLC, DR representing rights on shares of foreign issuer
Metals & Mining Index PJSC "Mechel", Preferred shares  
Electric Utilities Index PJSC "Quadra - Power Generation", Ordinary shares  
MOEX 10 Index UC RUSAL, Ordinary shares PJSC "Severstal", Ordinary shares

Summary table of changes in number of shares employed in the calculation of the Moscow Exchange Indices and included in the waiting lists, as well as free-float coefficients

Ticker Issuer Current number of shares New number of shares Current free-float New free-float
AGRO ROS AGRO PLC, DR (Issuer The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation) 136 666 665 136 666 665 21% 25%
CIAN Cian PLC, DR (Issuer The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation)   69 042 400   27%
ENPG EN+ GROUP IPJSC, Ordinary shares 638 848 896 638 848 896 13% 14%
FIXP Fix Price Group Ltd, DR 850 000 000 850 000 000 28% 27%
MAGN PJSC "MMK", Ordinary shares 11 174 330 000 11 174 330 000 19% 20%
MGNT PJSC "Magnit", Ordinary shares 101 911 355 101 911 355 63% 67%
ORUP OR PJSC, Ordinary shares 113 056 000 113 056 000 32% 45%
PIKK PJSC "PIK Group", Ordinary shares 660 497 344 660 497 344 18% 22%
RENI PJSC "Renaissance Insurance Group", Ordinary shares   556 952 780   26%
SFTL Softline Holding PLC, DR representing rights on shares of foreign issuer   183 692 834   25%
YNDX Yandex N.V., Shares of a foreign issuer 322 740 479 323 800 479 97% 97%

From 17 December 2021, the following shares will be under consideration:

Under consideration to be added to Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
IRGZ JSC Irkutskenergo, Ordinary shares Broad Market Index
MRKU PJSC "MRSK Urala", Ordinary shares
UWGN PJSC "RPC UWC", Ordinary shares
ISKJ PJSC "HSCI", Ordinary shares
KRKNP PJSC "Saratov Oil Refinery", Preferred shares
CHMK PJSC "Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant", Ordinary shares
TGKB PJSC "TGK-2", Ordinary shares
LIFE PJSC "Pharmsynthez", Ordinary shares
LNZLP PJSC "Lenzoloto", Preferred shares

Under consideration to be excluded from Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
SFIN PJSC "SFI", Ordinary shares Broad Market Index

For information regarding the lists of stocks employed in the Moscow Exchange Indices as well as the lists of securities employed in the Multi-Assets Indices of Moscow Exchange, please, follow the link.

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