11.11.2022 15:15

Key Changes to OTC-Monitor trade reporting service on 30.11.2022

Dear MOEX OTC trade report service users,

Due to the new rulings of Central Bank of Russian Federation coming into effect we're announcing release of a new version of OTC trade report service on November, 30 in production.

Key Changes to OTC-Monitor trade reporting service on 30.11.2022:

  1. Participants will now be able to make changes to a trade, already reported on MOEX (without deleting it) within 30 days from date of reporting.
  2. Two optional fields added to a trade report:
  • SettlCurrency – currency of the monetary obligation (in April 2023 (preliminary) this field will become mandatory)
  • CFI – CFI code of the security in the reported trade
  1. OTC trade reporting via Plaza2 gateway support is discontinued
  2. On MOEX website aggregated information on reported OTC trades will be replaced with anonymous OTC trades registry.

Full list of changes and documentation for developers is in the attachement.

The following interfaces will be affected by the changes:

  • Web-service Cabinet.moex.com
  • EDI (sending .xml files)

All FIX and EDI changes are backwards compatible. New functionality will be available for testing on Monday, November 14th 2022, on T1 test environment.

Attached materials:

  1. List of changes for OTC trades reporting services: OTC-Monitor, version 2.2
  2. XML files specification
  3. Спецификация протокола FIX Московской Биржи для системы отчета внебиржевых сделок (ОТС-монитор) (RUS);
  4. Moscow Exchange Fix protocol specifications for OTC trades report system (OTC-monitor) (ENG);
  5. Russian Central Bank regulation on OTC trades reporting.

If you have any questions about OTC-monitor please contact us at help@moex.com

Contacts for media
+7 (495) 363-3232
Public Relations Department
Contacts for clients
+7 (495) 232-3363
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