Planned changes in clearing reports structure
Please be reminded about changes in clearing reports structure planned to take effect on 03 April 2023.
FX market
Starting from the release date, Collateral valuation report CCX84 will be provided with information on Unified pool settlement codes along with settlement codes of the FX market. Information on assets profile transferred on the FX market will be displayed as information on assets for that settlement codes. The SETTLE node will be supplemented with optional ExtSettleCodeUnifiedPool (Unified pool Settlement code attribute Y/N) attribute.
Updated XSD schemes and XSLT styles are available at MOEX FTP server:
You may find specifications of FX market clearing reports at the MOEX website.
Securities market
Report on net liabilities that will be terminated (EQM91) and it's form EQM91ALL. New possible value "M" (Liabilities on trading and clearing account Unsettled on the eighth day) will be added for PosType attribute. Liabilities on the specific security being unsettled for eight days in a row will be displayed for PosType = "M".
Updated XSD schemes and XSLT styles are available at MOEX FTP server:
You may find specifications of Securities market clearing reports at the MOEX website.
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