23.08.2016 17:33
FX market trading schedule in September 2016
The instruments USDRUB_TOD, USD_TODTOM, EURUSD_TOD and EURUSDTDTM will not be traded on 5 September 2016 as this is a non-business day in the US.
The instrument KZTRUB_TOD will not be traded on 12 September 2016 as this is a non-business day in Kazakhstan.
The instruments CNYRUB_TOD and CNY_TODTOM will not be traded on 15 and 16 September 2016 as these are non-business days in China.
The instruments HKDRUB_TOD and HKD_TODTOM will not be traded on 16 September 2016 as this is a non-business day in Hong Kong.
All other instruments will be traded as usual.
For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.
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