10.10.2012 15:25

Results of the MICEX Cap Indices regular review

Please be advised that constituent lists of the MICEX Cap Indices have been changed following their regular quarterly review. Please find more detailed information below:

  • ordinary shares of Volzhskaya TGK OJSC are included into the MICEX MC constituent list and ordinary shares of Vyksa Steel Works OJSC are excluded from the list;
  • ordinary shares of KazanOrgSynthes OJSC and ordinary shares of TGK-6 OJSC are included into the MICEX SC constituent list; ordinary shares of Fortum OJSC and ordinary shares of Volzhskaya TGK are excluded from the list.

New constituents will be effective from October 25, 2012 through January 24, 2013.

Due to the changes mentioned above new weighting coefficients for the shares to be in the new constituent lists will be calculated based on prices of the shares as of October 23, 2012. The new coefficients are to be used for calculation of indices starting from October 25, 2012.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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