12.10.2012 10:09

October issue of the RUSSIAN MARKETS Newsletter is available online

Read the latest news from the Russian market and do not miss an interview with Sergey Zamolotskikh, Managing Director, Technological Projects Development at the Moscow Exchange, to learn some details of the major innovation taking place at the exchange. More information, more first-hand news from the Russian exchange. The Newsletter is available here.

For more information please contact Rufina Baybulatova, editor, at Rufina.Baybulatova@micex.com or +7-495-363-3232.

Main news
17.10.12 Moscow Exchange announces auction for placement of Russian Federation government bonds (OFZ) № 26207RМFS
16.10.12 Moscow Exchange announces auction for additional placement of Russian Federation government bonds (OFZ) № 25080RMFS
15.10.12 Terms of executing repo trades with the Bank of Russia for October 15th, 2012
12.10.12 Schedule for repo operations with the Bank of Russia from October 15th through October 19th, 2012
12.10.12 The starting time of Additional Trading Session to be changed for October 12, 15 and 17, 2012
12.10.12 October issue of the RUSSIAN MARKETS Newsletter is available online
10.10.12 Results of the MICEX Cap Indices regular review
10.10.12 Results of auction held on the Moscow Exchange Government Securities Market
09.10.12 Trading in bonds of Karusel Finans LLC to be ceased
All news